Share of Mind, Share of Heart, dan Share of Wallet in CRM

Share of heart has been described as on a continuum midway between share of mind and share of market (Day 1989). Using the framework of the cognitive, conative and affective effects of communications (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) we can classify each element. Share of mind represents the cognitive effects of promotional communication activities, while share of market represents the results of behavior. In contrast, share of heart represents affective effects that may result from past or current memories or experiences. Share of heart represents a degree of consumer commitment and emotional bonds that underlie a relationship with a product or service. (Nowak, et al. 2006).

Menurut Hermawan Kartajaya dalam buku Marketing in Venus, bahwa relasi pelanggan menjadi alat kunci untuk meningkatkan share of wallet atau meningkatkan pengeluaran mereka ke perusahaan, (Kartajaya H, et al., 2006, p.224) .

Businesses that can build a positive emotional bond with the consumer have a competitive advantage. Arguably, marketers who can maintain that bond have a sustainable competitive advantage. The factor has been called, “share of heart” and is often illustrated by the affection that consumers feel for Harley-Davidson and its motorcycles. Thus, some marketers talk about creating products and advertising campaigns that will “win the hearts” of the customer. (Journal of Product & Brand Management 16/2 (2007) 148–151)